In Otomí, ‘otho’ means with nothing and ‘bui’ means life, the combination of these two words is interpreted as ‘not belonging anywhere’, ‘homeless’ or ‘nomadic people’. The word refers to the fifth largest indigenous people in Mexico. San Marcos Tlazalpan is a half otomí-mestiza indigenous community of the State of Mexico where the living conditions had forced the residents to migrate in order to survive.


Talking literally, the skyline is an imaginary and unreachable line that apparently divides the sky from the ground. Figuratively, the horizon is a set of possibilities or perspectives that something offers. When assembling this photographic series, I considered the skyline the line that visually connects the remains of this nomadic people.

– BADA MX. Campo Marte. Mexico City, Mexico, 2020.  

–  Alien. Casa Diego Rivera. Guanajuato, Mexico, 2011.           

–  Alien. College of Europe. Bruges, Belgium, 2011.

–  Alien. La Maison de l’Amerique Latine. Bruges, Belgium, 2010.

Giclée print
